Why Do Ceiling Fan Blades Sag? Can You Fix It?

Unexpectedly you see that your fan’s blades do not point to the side but down at an angle. The questions you may want to get answers to, what is the reason for this sag and is it possible to fix sagging ceiling fan blades?

The blades of a ceiling fan can sag because some blades are manufactured from pressed board or composite which becomes weakened due to heat and excess moisture. Another reason is that the screws that connect the fan blades to the motor are not firmly tightened.

If you are looking for more questions to be answered such as why this happens, if you can fix it and how to prevent this, you need to read this article. 

What Causes Ceiling Fan Blades To Sag

There are two main causes the blades of a ceiling fan can droop:

  • The blades or blade arms are loose
  • The blades are deformed

Most ceiling fans contain screws that help the blades to attach to the blade arm and the blade arm to the motor assembly. These screws can get loose due to the usage, especially if your fan is not properly balanced. If the blades seem to be straight but they are sagging, the looseness of the screws can be the issue. On some fans, you can tighten them but all of them cannot be tightened.

The second cause is the blades themselves are compromised. It can be checked easily. You need something which is straight such as a piece of wood, longer ruler and hold it along with the blade. You will be able to observe if the blades are bent with ease.

Many cheaper ceiling fans are manufactured with composite wood, MDF or pressed board. Or in normal language; cardboard. Such ceiling fans can be constructed from sawdust and byproducts of woodworking and glued together into sheets. After that, the material is protected with some sealant and finalized a finish. If the sealant provided is not entirely moisture-proof, with the passage of time moisture can get into blades and weaken them. The sagging you observe when the structural integrity of the material is compromised.

If you are a resident of a humid climate and your ceiling fan is of the lowest quality, it can be the reason of your sag. Extreme heat can add fuel to fire. When a ceiling fan is installed outdoors or on a covered patio, it can happen when water enters the blades. Indoor ceiling fans are not made to withstand this whereas outdoor fans can handle it.

Recommended: Can indoor ceiling fans be used outdoors?

In addition, some sag from base to tip is normal, specifically on large fans. The fan will correct itself when it is rotating.

Can You Fix Sagging Fan Blades

In some cases, you can possibly fix droopy ceiling fan blades but it also depends on what is the reason.

Blades that are bent and spoiled cannot be fixed. You can use some metal strips on the blades in order to make them straight but it will spoil the look and it can also be harmful to the fan because it will add an extra weight to the unit. the aerodynamics of the blades will also be screwed so the airflow will be affected too. If the blades are too bent, you will damage them when trying to bend them back.

When the blades are really sagging due to the weakness in the material of the blade, it is wise decision to get a new fan.

If the screws that are keeping the blades to the motor connected are loose, it can be solved in most situations and you can fix it. You need to get a required tool that can be used to tighten them. It will be ideal to get a helping hand from an additional person. One of you will hold the blade in the right position and the other one will tighten the loose screws. Also, examine the connection from the blade arm to the motor. If the working is needed on this, be sure to switch off the power first.

If the loosening of the screws is a recurring issue or you want to prevent this from happening again, take the screws out entirely, use some drops of LocTite and put them back in. The low strength LocTite will be very good and you can get this LocTite that works ideally in this situation.

Can You Prevent Fan Blades Sagging?

It might be the time to change your ceiling fan. But you do not want to face the same issue once again. What you can do to prevent this or at least make it hard for your next ceiling fan to get sagging blades again.

The only way to do it is to get a higher-quality ceiling fan. Higher quality fans will have better material and parts so they will last longer. Apart from that, they also consume less electricity as well.

It is ideal to choose a metal or solid wood blades fan but it will be pricey.

Having a look at the humidity in the room is also a wise decision. The higher the humidity level, the more moisture will cause damage to the unit but also affect your furniture too. You can use an air conditioner to keep the humidity under control but a different dehumidifier also acts well and also inexpensive to buy as well as run. However, a high-quality ceiling fan will not cause any issues unless your home is under water.

When you are living in an extremely humid area, you cannot do anything about it except to get an outdoor ceiling fan. Outdoor fans can withstand a quite a bit of water. Damp and wet-rated fans are also available. You need to get the fan that is affordable for you.

Read more about ceiling fan ratings here.

Are Sagging Ceiling Fan Blades a Problem?

If your fan blades are sagging, will you not take notice of it or using it will result in a problem?

The answer to that question depends on how bad the sagging is and what is the reason of it. If it is happening when the screws holding the blades to the motor are loose, you should fix it as early as possible. You will not be able to know when the screws will get loose.

When the blades are bent, it will be quite difficult. Keeping in view the safety, it is not a big deal if the blades are sagging to the same amount. A lot of ceiling fans contain blades that sag a little bit but they become normal when the fan is switched on.

If the sag is limited and the same amount of sagging is on all the blades, so the fan is still balanced, it can still be used but you should consider getting a new one for you. If the tips of the blades are towards the floor, it will be a problem. It shows that the fan blades are compromised or loose enough which is why it will become a potential danger. The efficacy of the fan will be reduced as compared to normal-shaped blades. In addition, if the blade tips are too much down, it can hit you and you will be seriously disturbed by it. If your place contains low ceilings, it can happen to you easily.

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