9 Reasons Why a Tower Fan Keeps Turning Off & How to Fix Them

Tower fans are often an effective method for circulating air in a room, but they can encounter certain issues, such as unexpected shutdowns. There are several factors that can cause a tower fan to turn off and specific steps to resolve these problems.

One potential cause for a tower fan keeps turning off is a loose power cord or a melted thermal fuse. Another common reason for a tower fan to shut down is dirty filters. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in the filters, impeding the fan’s airflow and leading to overheating.

This article will help you in identifying and addressing these potential causes, you will be able to troubleshoot the issue of a tower fan turning off repeatedly and restore its proper functionality with these tips.

9 Causes and Fixes For a Tower Fan Turning Off

1. The Power Cord Is Loose

One common issue that can cause a tower fan to repeatedly shut off is a loose power cord. While it may seem simple to fix, ensuring a secure connection is necessary. When the power cord is not firmly plugged into a functioning electrical outlet, even small movements of the fan can lead to it turning off. Additionally, the continuous flow of electricity can potentially damage the internal components of the fan, resulting in a complete breakdown.

How To Fix

To address a loose power cord, you can follow these steps:

  1. Confirm that the power cord is securely inserted into the wall outlet.
  2. Examine the cable to ensure it is not kinked or twisted, which could interfere with the electrical connection.
  3. Check for any debris or dirt on the connector pins and clean them if necessary

It is also advisable to test the outlet by using other appliances to verify if it is functioning properly. If the outlet is found to be faulty, that may be the root cause of the issue.

2. The Power Cord Is Faulty or Broken

A frequent culprit behind fan shutdowns is a faulty or broken power cord.

When the power cord is in a faulty state, it can cause the tower fan to repeatedly shut down. This occurs because an ineffective flow of electricity results from a broken power cord, leading to a loss of power for the tower fan.

To determine if the power cord is faulty or broken, inspect it for any visible kinks or damage, both in the cable itself and its connection to the fan. If you have a multimeter, you can perform a more thorough examination of the cable’s conductivity. However, a visual inspection should generally suffice.

How To Fix

Unfortunately, the only fix for this issue is to replace the power cord. If your tower fan is new and the power cord was already faulty or broken upon purchase, it is advisable to return it for a replacement, especially if you are still within the warranty period. Otherwise, replacing the power cord yourself is not very difficult.

3. There’s a Lack of Lubrication in the Motor

Another common reason for a tower fan to experience frequent shutdowns is a lack of lubrication in the motor. Tower fans require a small amount of lubrication to ensure smooth operation. Without proper lubrication, excessive resistance can occur, leading to the fan turning off intermittently. Regularly adding a small amount of lubricant every few months can help maintain optimal performance.

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How To Fix

To address a lack of lubrication in your tower fan, follow these steps:

  1. Identify the tiny holes in the fan motor designed for lubrication. Refer to the fan’s manual if you’re unsure about their specific location.
  2. Prior to lubricating the gears, remove the fan covers as necessary.
  3. Use a machine oil or spray specifically designed for lubrication. It is recommended to use SAE20 oil without detergents. Avoid using WD-40, as it is not suitable.

4. There’s Excess Dust Buildup and Clogged Fans

Dust buildup is a common cause behind tower fans keep turning off, particularly if you have pets in your household. The accumulation of dust on fans can diminish their efficiency and lead to early malfunctions.

The filter of a tower fan plays a vital role in removing excess dust and debris from the air. When the filter becomes clogged, the fan’s performance is compromised. As a result, the blades are unable to move an adequate amount of air to effectively cool the room. Furthermore, dust and debris can also accumulate on the blades themselves, causing further blockage. This increases the workload on the fan’s motor, eventually leading to overheating or even motor burnout.

How To Fix

Check this article on how to clean a tower fan for a detailed explanation.

5. A Melted Thermal Fuse

The thermal fuse is a small device designed to prevent the electric motor from overheating and potentially burning out. It works by melting at a specific temperature, as a result, cutting off the power supply to the motor. Replacing the thermal fuse is necessary in such cases, as it is a more affordable solution compared to replacing the entire motor or dealing with potential fire hazards

Tower fans are more likely to thermal fuse failure due to the significant heat generated by the electric motor and the presence of shrouds that trap the heat within the fan. In some instances, the thermal fuse may fail even without the motor overheating.

How To Fix

To address this issue, you can perform a test on the thermal fuse using a multimeter. Instructions on how to conduct the test can be found here.

If the thermal fuse is confirmed to be melted, you will have to replace it. You can either contact an electrician for assistance or replace the fuse yourself. However, it is important to carefully follow the instructions provided with the new fuse to ensure proper replacement.

6. The Rusty Motor Bearings

One possible reason for your tower fan turning off is that the motor bearings are rusted. Over time, tower fans can accumulate rust in their motor bearings, particularly if they are exposed to water or lack regular lubrication. Rust formation is accelerated in the absence of proper lubrication as lubricants often provide protection against rust.

How To Fix

To address rusty motor bearings, you can follow these steps

  1. Remove the cover of the motor and carefully examine the bearings for signs of rust. If you see that rust is present, it is advisable to replace the bearings as soon as possible to restore proper functionality.
  2. Clean the area around the motor thoroughly and remove all of the accumulated dust and debris. Using a can of compressed air can be helpful in this process. This step will help you in preventing future issues with the fan turning off unexpectedly.

7. There’s Water or Moisture Damage

Water or moisture damage can indeed be a potential cause for the repeated shutdowns of your tower fan. If you have accidentally spilled liquid on the fan, it is possible that water damage has occurred, leading to operational failures. Corrosion on certain components can increase resistance within the fan, causing the motor to overheat. Furthermore, moisture can also result in electronic components being shorted out, leading to various malfunctions.

How To Fix

To address water or moisture damage, it is important to ensure that everything is completely dry. Removing the covers of the fan can help with the inspection and faster drying process.

Cleaning the areas affected by moisture damage may help improve the fan’s functioning. However, if the electronic components have been significantly affected by moisture, there may not be much that can be done except to replace them. Since replacing electronic parts can often be challenging, it is often more practical to consider purchasing a new fan.

8. The Triggered Tilt Sensor

The tilt sensor is responsible for detecting whether the fan is in the correct position. If it senses that the fan is tilted more than 45 degrees from the intended position, it automatically shuts off the fan for safety purposes.

If the tilt sensor malfunctions or doesn’t work correctly, it can lead to random and unexpected turn-offs of the fan.

This is meant to protect the fan and you but if the sensor is not working correctly, you can get weird random turn-offs. Check the manual of your fan if there is a tilt sensor.

How To Fix

To address this issue, you can consider the following steps:

  • Check the manual of your tower fan to determine if it is equipped with a tilt sensor and to understand its specific functionality
  • Replacing or adjusting the tilt sensor itself.
  • Resetting the fan controller. 
  • Changing the motor.

When considering motor replacement, it is essential to evaluate the cost and effort involved. If the motor replacement process is complex or expensive, it may be more practical to purchase a new tower fan, especially if the current fan was not particularly expensive. This approach saves time and avoids unnecessary expenses.

9. Incorrect Oscillation Settings

Oscillation refers to the back-and-forth movement of the fan that creates a breeze.

Tower fans are equipped with adjustable oscillation settings, which determine the range of movement for the fan. Typically, there are three settings: low, medium, and high.

Some tower fans come with an adjustable timer and if the fan’s timer is set to turn off after a specific number of hours, it can result in the fan continuously turning off if the oscillation settings are not the same as you want them to be.

To address this issue and prevent the fan from turning off, you can follow these steps

How To Fix

If you have made changes to the oscillation settings and are unsure how to resolve the problem, consider resetting your tower fan to its factory defaults. This will revert the settings back to their original configuration.

You need to adjust the oscillation settings to ensure that the fan is set to the widest angle possible. This will enable the fan to move back and forth over a broader range, increasing its operational duration.

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