Do Ceiling Fans Warm a Room In the Winter? Save Energy

Does your ceiling fan not work half the year? If yes, you are missing some of the free comfort and heat in the months of winter with a simple change.

One can save energy from a ceiling fan in the winter by distributing warm air that accumulates under the ceiling throughout the room. The people staying in the lower parts of the room get a warm experience due to the equalization of the temperature. To do that, it is essential to reverse the ceiling fan direction.

Let’s go through this guide to find out how a ceiling fan helps you feel warmer and what needs to be done to achieve this feature of the fan.

Should You Turn On a Ceiling Fan In The Winter?

Warm air goes up so it gathers in the top of the room while the cool air sinks to the bottom. A ceiling fan can move the airflow in areas that equalize the temperature in the room and results in the warming of the air in the bottom where people usually are.

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Turning on a ceiling fan in the winter months may sound weird. The reason behind it is that ceiling fans are used to give a cooling experience to users and pets in the room in the summer months. In the winter season, the cooling experience is not needed. In short, you will desire the opposite in the cold.

I have a good argument to prove that why you should switch on your ceiling fan in the winter. Hot air goes up and the heat present in the room goes to the top and the cold air comes to the bottom. Since most people remain in the bottom half of the room, that is why they experience the cold air.

The differences of a few degrees in the air temperatures can be felt from the lowest to the highest point of the room. The difference of temperature depends on the ceilings, the higher the ceilings, the bigger the difference. But if you own a fan, it will be very easy for you to maintain the temperature in the room.

The function of the ceiling fan is to circulate air in a space. this process distributes and mixes the air in the room and also results in the equalization of the temperature so the process is similar everywhere. It causes the air in the highest point of the room to become colder but the air in the lower space is warmer. In this case, the lower part will be the place where you are and you experience warmer.

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How To Save On Your Heating Bill With a Ceiling Fan

If you are feeling cold, you can increase the thermostat. However, this process will rise the temperature in the bottom of the room but also the temperature in the high places. So, the temperature difference is still present.

When, in the bottom half, the air temperature is comfortable, the higher areas may get too hot. It shows that you are wasting energy due to the average temperature in the room is higher than your actual requirement but you are unable to feel that average temperature. You can experience that average temperature by switching on the ceiling fan.

It means that you can get the advantage of the average temperature in a room by just turning on your ceiling fan. it allows you to leave your thermostat at a lower temperature and is still peaceful and comforting. Using a ceiling fan at a low-speed level more specifically the new ones with DC motors consumes about 10 watts depending on the quality and size. On the other hand, the heating consumes way more energy as compared to a ceiling fan.

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Which Way Should a Ceiling Fan Turn In The Winter?

The draft can make people and their pets experience cold, so it is ideal to reverse the fan direction and make it clockwise from counterclockwise so it sucks cool air up and deliver the warm air into the room surroundings. This process can equalize the room temperature without creating many drafts.

It is essential for you to turn your ceiling fan in the correct direction in the winter. In the summer, you expect from the ceiling fan to push down the air on you so you feel the draft. The function of the draft is to evaporate the sweat faster so you have a cooling effect.

In the winter, you are not going to sweat but the draft effect can still give you a cooling effect than you wish and the better distribution of the temperature is not good to stop this. It indicates that your fan should push the air up in the cold months. It will push the air up against the ceiling. Most of the warmer air rises to the ceiling. This process will distribute the warmer air throughout the space. And you will get rid of any uncomfortable draft.

The whole thing depends on that specific model of the fan which direction is up and which is down. However, most ceiling fans push air up when they are in a clockwise direction and push air down when working counter clockwise.

In the summer months, you want to use your ceiling fan at a higher speed to get the most airflow. In the winter, your requirement is to get the minimum air to mix the cooler and warmer air. To get the job done, the lowest setting will be sufficient for most fans.

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How To Reverse a Ceiling Fan Direction?

Many ceiling fans contain a switch under or on the motor shroud that turn the direction of the fan the way it moves. Generally, it is a simple and small slider switch. Usually, there are no signs that guide the sides, which side is which. If the switch moves sideways, the fan will follow the way the switch is pointing.

To get the airflow to reverse on a fan, your task is to reverse the direction in the motor spins. This is the only method to do this. Fortunately, many ceiling fans come with a feature to reverse the direction it moves with a simple switch.

Usually, the switch is available on the shroud of the motor (this piece is mounted to the ceiling). Some fans hide it under that shroud. If the switch is not visible on the shroud, you can remove it easily to find the switch there. However, all ceiling fans do not support this feature. So, if you want to purchase a new one, you should check if this option is available.

If you have found a switch, it contains a small switch with two positions. One position is anticlockwise and the other is clockwise. Normally there is no sign so you have to test it. it is not hard to determine what is happening. Just notice the airflow where it is going. It will be reversed by flipping the switch. The Reiga 52” ceiling fan is a perfect choice if your existing ceiling fan does not have a reversible motor. The design is modern, and it is clean, energy-efficient DC motor. It is a silent and good choice for an average bedroom with a built-in light, which can be programmed. The selection of color depends on your choice of whether you want a cooler or warmer look.

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