Are Plastic or Metal Blades Better For a Ceiling Fan?

What works best for a ceiling fan; plastic or metal fan blades? It is not clear and you might be wondering what is a better option for you. Here is what you need to know.

Metal fan blades are heavier, pricey, can corrode and are slightly noisier than plastic ones. However, metal blades are also stronger, ensure longevity, and are often attractive by looks. Most people prefer plastic blades unless the fan has to work for a very long time. 

Just read this guide to know what are the differences and what is the best choice for you. Plus, plastic and metal are not the last things for you. Also, there are some more choices that you need to know.

Are Metal or Plastic Blades Better for a Ceiling Fan?

Want to make a decision between a ceiling fan with metal or plastic blades and am curious to know their differences. Here are the pros and cons of both metal and plastic fan blades. 

They have some big differences too. It is not necessary that one is better than the other, the whole scenario depends on your budget and the application of what is ideal for you. Go through the pros and cons in this article and see what is the ideal option for you.

Pros and Cons of metal blades

Firstly, we take a look at the pros and cons of metal blades. 


  • Very strong
  • Can handle shocks
  • Looks attractive than plastic


  • Heavier
  • More pricey
  • Can consume more electricity while accelerating
  • Slightly louder
  • Can be destructive if something gets caught

Pros and Cons of plastic blades


  • Cheap
  • Easy to mold in any shape
  • Can be available in different finishes
  • Don’t rust
  • Water can clean it easily
  • Slightly quieter


  • The looks may be cheap
  • The plastic can brittle as soon as it gets old


Units that contain metal blades can lost longer (if the fan does not, blades do), they are manufactured strong and the looks are also amazing. In some cases, they are prone to corrosion. Once the corrosion process begins, the fan won’t look good. Metal blades are heavy in weight which is why they hit harder and they are also sharper. It means that if something is caught in the blades, the damage will be done to the things rather than blades. They consume slightly more power than normal. The lifespan of the metal blades is longer. It is the main reason that the fans last longer as you may have seen the older fans. They are more likely to build with metal.

The aluminum blades should be focused separately. Aluminum blades are lighter in weight and they do not corrode easily as compared to steel blades but they are costly.

The plastic fan blades are less pricey and, in most cases, they have good longevity but they have mediocre designs as compared to metal blades even though the plastic blades are available in wide range. In most cases, when the time of plastic blades is over due to sagging or brittle, the rest of the fan also needs replacement too. Plastic is without any corrosion trouble and water can be used to clean the blades too.

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Other Ceiling Fan Blade Materials

Metal and plastic are not the only materials that can be used when it comes to making fan blades. It also includes materials like:

  • Wood
  • Composite
  • Pressed board

Wooden fan blades are very attractive and they are used on some high-end ceiling fans. Wood can attract the eyes but often you will have to pay the price for the design. Wood is a natural material that will eventually warp and moisture will also affect it. Many wooden fan blades use plastic or sealed in order to avoid this type of problem. However, they are not as reliable as steel blades even with maintenance.

Composite, pressed board, MDF is another material in order to construct fan blades for cheaper ceiling fans. If you have a good budget, I recommend that do not use these blades. They are made by pressing the cardboard together tightly and glue is used to form them. When they are new, it is hardly noticed the difference between them and the plastic. To make it look like normal, they are covered in a sealant and painted.

However, it will cut the cost which will not stop at the blades. The other parts can be expected of a poor quality. The main issue is that you can obtain droopy blades. If the blades are impacted by the moisture, it will cause the glue bonds to become weaker and the blades weaken and in the end, start sagging. If you are living in a humid area, you can experience this problem.

Other Ceiling Fan Selection Factors

The material of the fan blades should be kept in mind but it is not the main factor to consider when looking for a ceiling fan.

Other factors to consider include:

  • SizeThe main factor is the appropriate ceiling fan size for the space you are getting it for. If the size is too big, the blades might hit something while operating. Too small will reduce the airflow and your requirement will not be met.
  • CFM: The airflow of the fan is also an important factor. You have to get a unit that generates good breeze in your space to cool you down. The size of the fan also decides the CFM of the fan. Shape of the blades, amount of blades and speed also influence the airflow. Choose the ideal for your space.
  • Motor: If you are looking for a new fan, it will be wise to choose a DC type motor. This type does not consume much electricity and noiseless in operation, both of the factors in your favor.
  • Looks: The main thing that everyone pays attention to is design. A ceiling fan is a prominent appliance in any space and it should be attractive.
  • Rating: Most units are designed for indoors. They cannot bear the moisture and this type of element. If you want to get a fan for your patio or outside, choose that is rated for it.

After taking all these factors into account, the blade material is another thing to consider in order to get the appropriate fan out of the ceiling fans market.

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